Hearing aids and hearing loss: What you need to know before you buy

It is a common misconception that those exhibiting any sign of hearing loss immediately require hearing aids. However, although they are greatly beneficial to those needing them, hearing aids may not be an immediate necessity. Hearing loss can be attributed to a variety of causes, from the more minor like wax build-up, to the more extreme as a result of serious injury or physiological change. Acute, sudden hearing loss should be brought up with your GP or specialist before any decision to see an audiologist is made, as it is likely they will recommend you for a hearing test to rule out medical causes.

Similarly, the most expensive hearing aid does not necessarily mean it is the best option for you. Hearing loss, wants, and needs vary from person to person, and today’s advancements in technology mean there are more options for patients to choose from and decisions do not have to be solely based on the most expensive purchase.

This is why it is always important to consult with a hearing specialist before you make a purchase so that what you need is matched to what you buy. Independent audiologists are not bound by sales targets or sponsored products, and their separation from a large corporate body means they can give independent, professional, and fair advice to patients without catering to third-party demands. Online purchases should be approached with extreme caution as they seldom come with ongoing aftercare services that are necessary to keep your hearings aids functional and effective.

Ethical clinicians will not prescribe hearing aids unless they are needed. If you are being refused hearing aids, it is for a good reason. Likewise, if you feel you are being pushed into buying something far exceeding your budget with more features than you might need, it is always best to look for a second opinion.